DSC Tech Library
Function fpdata_get gets/locks a data record. Data records are returned in data node
The syntax for fpdata_get is as follows:
fpdata_get(int file_id, int flags, char *record, int record_len, int *recno)
int file_id - File unit of open file from previous
fpfile_open function.
int flags - Bitmapped flag indicating type of get to perform.
0 (FSNFST) - find first entry
7 (FSNLST) - find last entry
8 (FSNCUR) - return current entry - overides
other search flags
- These flags are added to the flags ubove.
16 (FSNPRV) - find previous entry
32 (FSNNXT) - find next entry
64 (FSNLCK) - lock record
128 (FSNULK) - unlock record - overides other
search flags
char *record - Record buffer to hold returned record.
int record_len - Length of record to be returned, 0 = entire record.
int *recno - Record address returned on successful operation.
The possible values for fperrno and an explanation of each value follow.
Value Explanation
FEROK - Code 0: Successful FASTPLUS Operation
FERACC - Code 2: Illegal access rights
FEROPN - Code 5: FAST file does not exist
FERUNT - Code 6: Illegal FAST file id
FERLEN - Code 7: Illegal record length
FERFHE - Code 9: System file error
FEREXT - Code 12: Record not found
FERVLN - Code 17: Illegal key length