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Contact Center Software

telecommunications software solution This section of our technical library presents information and documentation relating to Contact Center technology and Best Practices plus software and products. DSC is a leading provider of contact center technology and software solutions as well as predictive dialer phone systems for the modern call center. Customer contact center software includes CRM software and computer telephony integration solutions. These modern products help call center phone agents communicate effectively with your customers and prospects.

The following article presents product or service information relating to contact centers and customer service help desks.

Building a Business Case for Contact Center IT Investment

Page 8

If it is appropriate, acknowledge that your measures may not be perfect at the start. The astute executive manager will focus less on seeing strict measures this early in the project’s life and instead want to see a model for measurement improvement over time.

If you’re having trouble defining the appropriate output- and service-level measures, seek outside help. This is an area where outside consulting can be quite effective.


Use benchmarking to validate measurements.

One of the best ways to define to executive management’s satisfaction how a project will necessarily lead to improvements is via contact center benchmarks. Benchmarking against other companies or industry averages is a great way to provide proof.

A good source of contact center industry benchmarks is Jupiter Research (www.jupiterresearch. com), a research firm that is better known for its Internet-related research and benchmarks. Beside research firms like Jupiter, consulting firms and industry trade organizations can also be a good source of benchmarking data.

In general, benchmarking data is more accessible and cheaper than ever before. Industry benchmarks offer good external support for your estimated benefits.


Build scenarios.

Scenarios help you define the appropriate path when there is more than one possible way to meet the project’s objectives. They also let you explore alternatives well before you commit significant resources to any one approach.

For example, if your objective is to increase call center efficiency by delivering grouplevel performance data to agents’ desktops, the two scenarios might be to purchase an external tool from a vendor that specializes in this capability, or use your existing Intranet infrastructure.

Using scenarios lets executive management participate in the decision-making process. Scenarios can also help you more easily assess the business impact of a given path. In any case, you will want to limit the number of scenarios you explore and make sure that there is broad consensus that the one you choose are well-reasoned.


Time-limit the planning effort.

A common failure we’ve seen with companies building business cases for contact center IT investment is “analysis paralysis.” Putting enough detail into the business case to make it sound is important. But, if you spend too much time analyzing and documenting, you can reach a point of no return.

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CRM Contact Center Software

telecommunications software solution Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been providing CRM Customer Relationship Management solutions to businesses and organizations for 2 decades. TELEMATION is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application employed in a wide variety of organizations including contact centers, help desks, customer service centers, service bureaus, reservation centers and corporate call centers. The package has extensive CTI features and is fully integrated with our PACER phone system. TELEMATION operates on Linux, Unix or Windows servers. Software programmers can develop call center applications quickly using the robost features found in the Telemation toolkit.