DSC Tech Library
This section of our technical library presents information and documentation relating to Call Center technology and Best Practices plus software and products.
Since the Company's inception in 1978, DSC has specialized in the development of communications software and systems. Beginning with our CRM and call center applications, DSC has developed computer telephony integration software and PC based phone systems. These products have been developed to run on a wide variety of telecom computer systems and environments.
The following article presents product or service information relating to call centers and customer service help desks.
Contact Centers To Help Companies Compete
The following is an extract from the article "Contact Centers To Help Companies Compete" by Kimberly Hill from CRM Daily:
"The customer-service operations of many enterprises still are viewed as necessary evils -- no one wants to have them, but everyone knows they are needed. That perspective is due to change, though, according to Meta Group's Carol Macpherson.
By 2008, contact centers that have best practices in place will be competitive differentiators for their companies.
References to the 360-degree view of the customer and cross-channel integration have been around for a long time in the CRM industry. But the technology necessary to support the vision of fully integrated customer service only now is becoming available, said Macpherson.
Go Long
The customer-service contacts a company has with a customer outnumber sales contacts many times, Macpherson pointed out. Thus, companies wanting to increase revenue really have only one choice -- which is to make better use of those contacts.
Recent developments in business process re-engineering allow companies to view a business process in its entirely, Macpherson said. This will allow a truly unified customer service agent desktop to emerge, which will provide that much-vaunted, but so elusive, complete customer view...."
To view the entire article, visit www.crmdaily.com.
CRM Call Center Software
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been providing CRM Customer Relationship Management solutions to businesses and organizations for 2 decades.
TELEMATION is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application employed in a wide variety of organizations including contact centers, help desks, customer service centers, service bureaus, reservation centers and corporate call centers. The package has extensive CTI features and is fully integrated with our PACER phone system. TELEMATION operates on Linux, Unix or Windows servers. Software programmers can develop call center applications quickly using the robost features found in the Telemation toolkit.
Call Center Phone System
The PACER is a call center phone system that handles inbound and outbound calls for a wide range of contact centers. Calls are either initiated by the phone system or accepted from the outside and distributed in an intelligent fashion to your service agents. The PACER includes ACD and IVR components, plus call recording capability. Using industry standard components, the PACER phone system has features and functions that can only be found in large scale PBX’s, but at a fraction of the cost. And the PACER has predictive dialing capability that cannot be found in most of these larger phone systems. The PACER phone system can connect calls to your employees working at home or in a local or remote office. The PACER communicates with applications written on Unix, Linux, or PC servers over a LAN. For a complete product presentation, download our PACER demo.