The first time Database Systems software is
installed on a system, a security countdown of 5 days will begin. System recovery processes and system upgrades may cause the countdown
to begin once again.
If this happens, follow the following
procedure and submit the results in the Security Form found
below, or contact a Customer Support Representative at
Database Systems Corp. Phone: (602) 265-5968 extension 2.
A Database Systems Representative will
E-mail you the security codes and instructions needed to update your system.
First, find out which revision of Database Systems products you are using. This is
shown at the top of the security screen for each Database Systems application, and is the
first output from a Database Systems utility.
If you are using a Rev 10.0.0 - 10.6.4,
please advance to step 1.
If you are using a Rev 11.0.0 or higher, please advance to step 2.
Step 1 At the UNIX command line, execute the following command
/dbase'. Then execute the following command, 'ds_config'.
Note the following information: Revision,
DSC Customer Number, and DSC Configuration Code, and either call or fill out the Security Form Below.
Step 2 At the UNIX command line, execute the following command:
'cd /dbase11'.
Then execute the following command: 'ds_security'. This command will bring up a menu of
choices. Enter option 2 "Display Configuration code".
Note the following information: Revision,
DSC Customer Number, and DSC Configuration Code, and either call or fill out the
Security Form Below.