Database Systems Corp. provides the technology and products that can improve the productivity of your mortgage leads processing department.
Our mortgage marketing phone system and mortgage leads telemarketing software can streamline your operation while providing controls and consistency in your loan application process.
The following organization provides mortgage marketing leads to marketing and sales organizations. Information presented on this page was provided by the company or found on the company's website. Database Systems Corp. does not endorse the company's products and services nor warrant the accuracy of this information. For current information, please visit the company's website listed below.
HOME / Resources / Lead Generation / Mortgage Lead Providers
Mortgage Loan Leads
Mortgage Loan is a division of TMC Financial Services Inc. which has offices located in Phoenix, Arizona and Charlotte, North Carolina.
The Internet is continually growing and becoming an important asset in all of our daily lives. While people enjoy the convenience of online services, unfortunately there are also risks involved for consumers.
As an online company, we understand consumer skepticism and risks. Therefore, we are dedicated to upholding good business practices by offering fair, ethical, and competitive services for mortgage loan professionals nationwide.
Company Profile Information
Telephone: 800-917-2580
Additional Company Information
Mortgage Loan Leads are available for brokers, mortgage companies, and loan officers nationwide. The exclusive mortgage leads you receive from us are sold to only one mortgage loan officer therefore increasing closing ratio's which will result in higher returns on your investment. If you have not tried exclusive internet mortgage loan leads you are missing out on one of the best opportunities available for closing more loans each month. When you receive a mortgage lead from our company you can be assured that it is no resold or redistributed to another loan officer or mortgage company. These leads are fresh and are generated by our portal of web sites which we market on the search engines.
Exclusive Mortgage Loan Leads are the only way to go when you are looking for higher closing ratios. However, most companies don't like to sell exclusive leads because they make more money by reselling the lead up to four times for a lesser dollar amount. The problem at hand becomes very evident if you purchase a lead and the customer informs you that you are the third loan officer to call them that day. Without a doubt customers get frustrated and annoyed to the point that they say forget it and seek other alternatives. If a customer decides to go forth with financing and has three loan officers calling them, you have about a 30 percent chance of being the one to close that loan.
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides mortgage software applications and lead tracking applications for the mortgage industry. This call center application is completely integrated with our auto dialer phone systems which can perform both inbound and outbound mortgage marketing campaigns.
Our mortgage marketing software was developed using TELEMATION, our award winning contact management software application toolkit. This CRM software tool is ideally suited for processing mortgage loans and managing customer information.
Our mortgage CRM software is employed in a wide variety of organizations including contact centers, help desks, customer service centers, service bureaus, reservation centers and corporate call centers.
Mortgage Software Information
Contact DSC to learn more about our mortgage application software and mortgage predictive dialers.