Database Systems Corp. provides the technology and products that can improve the productivity of your mortgage leads processing department.
Our mortgage marketing phone system and mortgage leads telemarketing software can streamline your operation while providing controls and consistency in your loan application process.
The following organization provides mortgage marketing leads to marketing and sales organizations. Information presented on this page was provided by the company or found on the company's website. Database Systems Corp. does not endorse the company's products and services nor warrant the accuracy of this information. For current information, please visit the company's website listed below.
HOME / Resources / Lead Generation / Mortgage Lead Providers
ImpactLeads.com connects mortgage professionals to consumers that are looking for competitive mortgage and loan rates. Registration is FREE, and once registered, lenders can automatically receive leads based on their lending criteria and search hundreds of leads in our database.
We deliver leads on your terms. We have extensive history in the mortgage industry and understand the language of mortgage loans. Our goal is to provide you high quality leads in an efficient and timely manner. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Company Profile Information
23282 Mill Creek Road
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Telephone: 888.257.8070
Website: www.impactleads.com
Email: info@impactleads.com
Additional Company Information
We are the marketing company with experience. We have an extensive history in the mortgage business, including directing marketing that built an 8 employee broker to a 200 employee lender in less than two years. We know the language of mortgage loans and what a lead is trying to say. Unlike other Internet marketing companies, we specialize on mortgage and only mortgage.
Our site keeps track of ALL the leads you have purchased. This information is here for your convenience at all times, even when you are not purchasing our services. You will never loose your leads, no matter how old. Our Overstock Lead Search Tool will look up available leads from the database that are older, but only display leads that meet your lending criteria. This allows you to focus on leads you are interested in and not sift through hundreds, or thousands, of leads that don't meet your preferences.
In an effort to diversify your leads, we try to mix Internet leads with telemarketing leads. There is no extra cost for this. It is just a part of our service.
We understand the problems that occur with some leads from time to time. Although we pride ourselves in our Q.C., problems can and will happen with Internet leads. We believe what you tell us, and credit you, in most cases, without question.
Unlike many other Internet marketing companies, we require no sign-up fees, or any minimum orders. We want to make it easy to try us and become a part of your long range marketing picture
Recurring clients are invoiced on a cycle and charges AFTER the leads are received.
Mortgage Software Solutions
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has developed a mortgage software solution using TELEMATION, our contact center software solution. This CRM software tool is ideally suited for processing mortgage leads, tracking telemarketing mortgage leads and managing customer information.
This award winning application is employed in a wide variety of organizations including contact centers, help desks, customer service centers, service bureaus, reservation centers and corporate call centers.
The package has extensive cti features and is fully integrated with our mortgage marketing phone system. Mortgage software applications can be quickly developed using the robost features found in our mortgage marketing toolkit.
Mortgage loan companies such as Advanta Mortgage and Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation are just a few of the organizations who have relied upon TELEMATION to handle their data processing requirements.
Contact Database Systems Corp. Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our mortgage software products and services.