Phone Activity Monitor (PAM)
PAM Agent Pull Down Menus
File Menu
- (Re)Login - This menu option is used to re-log into Pam Agent Monitoring as a new User.
- New Server/ACD Monitor - This menu will invoke the Server ACD login window to allow the user to select a new Phone server and ACD Id.
- Logout - This menu option is used to log out a specific DNIS from the list of DNIS's currently being monitored.
- Exit - Selecting this option will exit the current Pam monitoring session.
Edit Menu
- Frequency - This menu option is used to establish a rate in seconds that the current monitoring information is to be displayed.
New Frequency - This field with a default of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) is the amount of time to wait before refreshing the screen with any new information, This field can be set from 200 milliseconds on up.
Clicking Ok Will set the frequency to the provided value and returns to the main PAM monitoring window.
Clicking Cancel will abort any change returning to the main PAM monitoring Window.
- Sale Alert On - This menu option toggles the Sale Alert alarm on and off.
- Monitor Alert On - This menu option toggles the Monitor Alert alarm on and off.
- Verifier Alert On - This menu option toggles the Verifier Request Alert alarm on and off.
- General Assistance Alert On - This menu option toggles the Assistance Request Alert alarm on and off.
- Alerts
General Sale Alert
Agent Sales Alert
Monitor Alert
Verifier Alert
General Assistance Alert
Monitors Menu
Agents - The current defined monitoring session.
Inbound by DNIS - This selection will invoke the Inbound Call Activity Monitor.
Predictive - This selection will invoke the Predictive Dialer Activity Monitor.
Help Menu
About DSCPam - The about window provides general information about PAM.
Clicking OK will return to the main PAM monitoring window.